Java Service Wrapper 3.5.33 for Windows x64

Quite some time ago, Tanuki released the latest version of the Java Service Wrapper. Thanks to a generous donation of a Visual Studio license, I am able to provide the latest version. In this post, I can provide version 3.5.33 of the Java Service Wrapper for Windows x64.

As always, I don’t guarantee anything, so please note:

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Fedora 25: How to make “GNOME Classic” default

As I am working more and more with Linux, I am also using a virtual machine with Fedora 25 installed to play around with some things (notably Docker and Kubernetes). On Fedora 25, the default GNOME desktop environment is GNOME 3. But I personally prefer the GNOME Classic user interface.

To change the desktop environment, on login, select “GNOME Classic” as the desktop environment:

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Oracle example schema for MySQL

Anyone who has worked with Oracle has encountered the Oracle “hr” schema in one way or another. The Oracle example schema provides a few simple tables with example data to test out some queries or learn SQL.

So when working with MySQL, I like to have the same schema as well. Luckily, Andrei Ciobanu feels the same way and he provides a wonderful adaptation of this sample schema for MySQL on his website: HR Schema for MySQL and Maria DB.

The SQL script for the schema can be found on GitHub: nomemory/hr-schema-mysql (or in my fork: simonkrenger/hr-schema-mysql).

Thank you Andrei!

“CrashLoopBackOff” and how to fix it

So in any larger container orchestrator installation, be it Kubernetes or OpenShift, you will encounter pods that crash regularly and enter the “CrashLoopBackOff” status.

$ oc get pod --all-namespaces 
NAMESPACE         NAME                       READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
my-project-1      helloworld-11-9w3ud        1/1       Running            0          7h
my-project-2      myapp-simon-43-7macd       0/1       CrashLoopBackOff   3774       9h

Note the container that has status “CrashLoopBackOff” and 3774 restarts.

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Workaround for WMI client over IPv6

Some years ago, I wrote some examples for the WMI client on Linux. I still get a lot of queries from people trying to use the WMI client to access Windows hosts and I am often happy to help if there are any problems.

One of the latest problems occurred when trying to access a Windows host over IPv6:

$ wmic -U 'user%password' //FD00:180::0:0:0:0:0 "Select Caption From Win32_OperatingSystem" [..] UNKNOWN - The WMI query had problems. The error text from wmic is: [librpc/rpc/dcerpc_util.c:343:dcerpc_parse_binding()] Unknown dcerpc transport 'FD00' [librpc/rpc/dcerpc_connect.c:337:dcerpc_pipe_connect_ncacn_ip_tcp_recv()] failed NT status (c0000017) in dcerpc_pipe_connect_ncacn_ip_tcp_recv [librpc/rpc/dcerpc_connect.c:828:dcerpc_pipe_connect_b_recv()] failed NT status (c0000017) in dcerpc_pipe_connect_b_recv [wmi/wmic.c:196:main()] ERROR: Login to remote object. NTSTATUS: NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY - Memory allocation error

This was quite a funny problem, because the same query seemed to work when accessing the host over IPv4. So we quickly suspected that the WMI client does not support IPv6. By looking at the underlying Samba code (e.g. dcerpc_util.c and binding.c), I guessed that this seems to be a parsing issue of some kind.

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OpenShift: List all pods in cluster

I recently started working with OpenShift and needed to get a list of all pods on the cluster. I quickly glanced at the documentation but could not find what I wanted. My colleagues quickly pointed me in the right direction:

oc get pod --all-namespaces -o wide

Here is the command with some example output of what to expect:

# oc get pod --all-namespaces -o wide
NAMESPACE                                 NAME                                                       READY     STATUS               RESTARTS   AGE       IP               NODE
my-project                                my-pod-43-d9mo6                                            1/1       Running              0          1d    node3.krenger.local
yet-another-project                       another-pod-43-7g3r0                                       1/1       Running              0          2d    node4.krenger.local

If you just want to know which pods are on a certain node, use oc adm manage-node:

oc adm manage-node node3.krenger.local --list-pods

Java Service Wrapper 3.5.29 for Windows x64

After returning from my vacation, I was asked to provide the latest version of the Tanuki Service Wrapper. Unfortunately, I only have a Windows Server 2003 R2 and a Visual Studio 2008 license. This means I cannot provide newer Java Service Wrappers than 3.5.29, because Tanuki added new features only available with Windows Server 2008 SDK and beyond.

Update: Due to a generous donation of a VS2008 license, I will be able to provide newer versions. Thank you very much!

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Hello world

My name is Simon Krenger, I am a Technical Account Manager (TAM) at Red Hat. I advise our customers in using Kubernetes, Containers, Linux and Open Source.


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